Please carefully review our Shipping & Delivery Policy when purchasing our products. This policy will apply to any order you place with us.

What is My Shipping & Delivery Options?

Free Shipping

We offer free shipping on gifts over $80. We ship all orders placed before 2 p.m. EST are shipped the same day, except on weekends. The delivery duration ranges from 1 to 5 business, and it may vary depending on the specific location.

Expedited Shipping Fees

We also offer expedited shipping at the following rates:

Shipping Method

Shipping Fee

UPS 1-5 business days depending on the location.


If you select an expedited shipping option, we will follow up after you have placed the order with any additional shipping information. All times and dates given for delivery of the products are given in good faith but are estimates only.

You will be emailed your tracking number when your order is processed. Please make sure you have the exact recipient address input before submitting an order.

Do You Deliver Internationally?

We do not offer international shipping, only domestic shipping (USA).

How Can You Contact Us About This Policy?

If you have any further questions or comments, you may contact us at or call us at 718-497-8800 if you encounter any problems with your order. We are eager to assist you!