$120.00 USD
Qty available: 0 SKU:WB001

The Wine & Chocolate Indulgence Wood Gift Case Set is a magnificent gift that features a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates in a luxurious wooden gift case. The wine is a Cabernet Sauvignon, a full-bodied and smooth red wine that pairs well with the chocolates.

The chocolates are a mix of dark, milk and white varieties, with flavors such as caramel, nutty, fruity and more. The Wine & Chocolate Indulgence Wood Gift Case Set is a great way to spoil someone special with a wine and chocolate experience. Order yours today and enjoy the indulgence of this gift set.

Product Details

  • Assorted Signature Truffles
  • Assorted Luxurious Milk and Dark Chocolates
  • Chocolate Pecan Caramel Turtles
  • Bottle of Wine


*We may substitute chocolate items depending on weather temperatures to prevent possible melting during shipping.